Practical information

You will find here some information about your participation to the 6th Congrès des Doctorants de l'Observatoire de Lyon which will be held this 3rd Novembre 2016 in amphitheater Mérieux. Deadline for abstract submission will be on the 17/10/2016.



You will first have to create an account on to register for this conference and upload the abstract of your presentation (oral presentation or poster). All Ph.D. students of the Observatoire de Lyon are welcome to participate and present their work in the form of an oral presentation of a poster.



Each oral/poster presenter will have the choice of the language of its presentation (french or english). However, to maintain unity between all presentations, the abstracts and the posters/slides of your presentation will have to be written in english.



When uploading your abstract, will have to fill in : the title of your presentation, the author(s), the affiliations of the author(s), the abstract itself and your choice of language. The abstracts have to be short (less than 3000 characters), clear, concise and written in proper english. They won't contain any figure.


Oral presentation

The oral presentation will have to respect the following conditions : 10 min of presentation maximum, then 5 minutes of questions. Oral presenters will have to make their speech clear for the whole audience.

A computer will be available to upload your presentations : you will just have to send your slides to the organizers in a PDF format beforehand.



Two poster sessions will be organized. Posters will be in A0 format (1119x84 cm). Additional guidance for the printing of your posters can be found on the website of the print service of the Observatoire de Lyon ( This year, before each poster session, you will be asked to briefly introduce your poster, possibly with one slide which will be sent beforehand to the organizers in PDF format, in one minute maximum. The aim is to invite the audience to come and see your work!


Presentations contest

This year, several prizes will be awarded to the best oral and poster presentations, by the audience and by a jury formed by CRAL and LGL researchers. The main selection criterion will be pedagogy. Indeed, this day aims at allowing discussion between people with different scientific backgrounds (astrophysics, planetary science, seismology, paleontology, sedimentology, geochemistry, mineralogy...). The presenters will thus ensure that their presentations are didactic, and will have to make educational and transverse speechs, by setting their research project in a larger context to make it clear for the whole audience.


We look forward to welcoming you to the 6th Congres des Doctorants de l'Observatoire de Lyon!

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